Complaints Procedure
We have a reputation for our excellent working relationships with our clients and as a result, we very rarely need to adopt a complaints procedure.
However, we feel it is vital that we have one in place to ensure our clients have complete peace of mind. It is our intention to resolve any issues quickly, and at the point of initial concern. We understand that there may be instances where a complaint requires escalation, in which case the following procedure will be implemented:
In the event of an unresolved service level or component quality issue with Platinum Security Ltd, please email info@beechamsecurity.com. If the issue cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the Company Directors will become immediately involved. All details will be recorded and filed, and we will adopt the following steps in conflict resolution:
We will identify the problem.
We will get the perspective of all parties involved (client, engineer, salesperson and/or any other third party that may be involved)
We will identify options that will satisfy the client's needs.
We will determine the most appropriate and fair option.
We will implement a resolution.
We will notify all parties of the action taken.
We will identify steps to ensure that this conflict will not recur.
We will implement appropriate actions.
We will review what action steps were taken to resolve conflict with the client.
We will act with the client, to ensure their satisfaction with the outcome.
We will encourage communication to ensure that all channels are open for further feedback on the process taken and the outcome determined.
We will apply the following protocol:
​The client will notify Beecham Security Ltd that a concern exists. This can be done by calling us on 01268 204634 or emailing info@beechamsecurity.com
If unable to be resolved at this point, our Helpdesk will notify the Company Directors of the concern and the matter will be researched.
The Company Directors will contact the individual involved directly in the sale or service within 48 hours. They will then either provide the client with a resolution at that time or explain why more time is needed to identify the best possible solution.
In summary, we feel we can confidently provide a service of the highest quality across all aspects of our business.